Monday, 25 August 2008


“ 活水之声 ”是一个传扬基督的节目制作中心。 录制福音性、 造就性、 训练性节目,向世人传扬主道。 与网友分享福音, 与主内肢体共同追求灵命进深, 亦与有志于全时间事奉者从系统性神学课程同得装备。里面的节目还蛮不错的... 我自己也正在听其中的清晨甘泉, 里面就每节每节的解释路加福音。之前也有讨论了不少的圣经书卷。不但如此,里头也有其他的节目让大家收听。能让我们学习更多哦....


recently listen this everyday.. keke.. the bible reading is broadcasted via the website... hmm.. good... and the way pastors discussed and explained the bible phrases are interesting... like to listen it very much... im now listening the Luke... wow.. pastor explain the bible phrase, phrase by phrase... explainations are clear and easy to understand.. like it very much.. keke.. goin to finish the luke and listen the other books....

link to enter the site:
click to enter

address of the site:

my space for my heart...

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